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Circus - Week 14

The week didn't start off well as it started with a problem, I was getting some strange shadows appearing all over the grass plains. I emailed my tutor to see if he could help with the problem, he suggested changing the lightmap resolution for each mesh being used in the foliage tool, however this didn’t work. He then sent me a link that helped me solve the problem, the thing I needed to change was the shading model in the material editor to 2-sided foliage and then connect the textures to sub-surface colour.

This problem didn't slow down my work however as I managed to model a load more assets, including lamposts, speaker posts, canon stand, the freakshow sign and the big entrance sign. I also managed to unwrap all of them in preparation for texturing in the upcoming weeks.

At the end of the week, I spent some time modelling the fairy light lightbulbs which I then implemented using a Spline Mesh in UE4.

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