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Circus - Week 15

Using the same Spline Mesh technology I put up some repeating flag triangles that were commonplace at the time as a form of decoration. I then went on to add the emissive materials to the hanging fairy lights which really added a lot of atmosphere to the scene.

The scene still didn't feel right and I didn't know why, later on in the day however, I found out that it could be something to do with my post process box. There is a setting in the post process settings under auto exposure that needed to be changed called min/max brightness.It was time to take a walk around the level and start building up the area, this involved adding more copies of assets around the level to make it feel more populated. This also included making minor fixes to the placement of the various decorations, placing grass and modifying the terrain a little.

My next task was to model the Ferris wheel, unwrap and texture it. This felt like a large task but in the end, didn't take up too much time. Afterwards I had to texture all the alphas in my level such as the lampposts, posters, flag triangles and awning. I found that the edges of the alphas were really visible and harsh, and when I was playing around in the material editor, I noticed the alpha was set to opacity mask instead of just opacity that would give me the softer edges. So I tried to set the opacity.

to translucent, however, when I applied this to an object, I got parts that should just be a solid colour, appearing transparent. This caused me to go back to the opacity mask and improve the edges with contrasting colours in the scene and playing around with the fog to make this less visible to the eye.

My week ended with feedback, someone suggested to me to add parts of broken down assets that I already had modelled and textured around the level. I was also recommended to add more dirt, posters and pieces of paper around to add detail to the finer points of the level


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